on the occasion of the international EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference 2003 for our software presentation
“Real-time image analysis and nowcasting with MSG data”
It was the first worldwide specialist conference shortly after the availability of the new Meteosat 2nd generation satellites. The specialist audience had a week to get to know the new systems, their range of functions and the stable performance better.
At every exhibitor stand that was able to demonstrate the processing of the new satellite data, at least parts of our software were running in the background, i.e. our high-quality real-time preparation and preprocessing of the raw satellite data.
More https://www.cinesat.com
See award letter below:
Awarded by an expert jury at the international industrial fair Hannover Messe 1991 for our
Real-time hardware-in-the-loop simulator as a function testing system for car electronics
If you drive on the highway full speed, what will happen if a signal cable breaks and your gear control does not get information about current speed ?
Will it change down to first gear ?
Or even go to parking mode at 100 miles per hour ?
Thorough testing of the device logic protects lifes.
Customer: Volkswagen
More Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation